During this time of national emergency, our focus has been on continuing to operate effectively while safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our people, supply chain partners, customers and everyone connected to the Willmott Dixon family. Nothing we do will compromise this, and we have taken a number of actions to reduce the spread of Covid-19 while continuing to support our customers and supply chain during this difficult period.
Following the Governments advise to keep construction sites open, we managed to keep majority of our sites open with advise from the Construction Leadership Council’s site operating procedures. Read more on this here
We have published a collection of photographs showing how our projects have adapted to works in Covid-19.
Examples of how the company is maintaining social distancing to ensure safe working include:
- Extra-space for welfare facilities, such as hiring large marquees
- One-way systems for circulation, especially around bottleneck areas
- Toolbox-talks to communicate latest guidance and working practices; held in open areas, allowing for maintenance of the two-metre rule.
- GoPro technology to film progress, which is uploaded to Microsoft Teams to show latest developments, pause and ask questions.
- Motion activated voiceover systems to remind people to abide by social distancing on site
- Hand sanitiser is available in meeting rooms, desks, and site entrances and exits, with dedicated hand wash zones
- Staggered breaks and lunch times, with clear signage for social distancing in canteens
- Video conference calling using Microsoft Teams as well as Watsap
- Virtual management of site progress and site handovers
- Virtual planning committee meetings via webinar facilities
- Shift working patterns and remote working
- Changes to how our people travel to site e.g. cycle or drive in
- Mobile sign in technology
- Virtual management of health and wellbeing of our people
Keeping our sites open has also supported our supply chain partner – read more here
During this time we have also successfully delivered projects, an example of this can be seen here