We are doing everything we can to ensure we have continuity of business, while heeding the very latest Government advice. We monitor this daily and adapt our procedures and messaging immediately to any changes that are required. We would like to express our sympathies to everyone who has been affected and continues to be affected by the COVID-19 virus.

We would also like to show our support to our teams and key workers who are working tirelessly across the country.

For more about how Willmott Dixon group are responding to the everyday changes of Covid-19 please click here.
-09 Feb. 2015

We are pleased to announce the completion of the newly refurbished Cambridge City Hotel

The phased works, whilst in occupation included the strip-out and refurbishment of 197 guest rooms, the upgrade of all M&E, new case goods, wall linings, FF&E and a complete refresh of the bathrooms.

In addition to the rooms, WDI have redecorated the lobby and hallway spaces throughout giving the hotel a fully refurbished feel and enhanced customer experience.

Throughout the project we liaised regularly with the General Manager, hotel operations and PM team at Jones Lang LaSalle to ensure that the satisfaction of hotel guests was maintained. Logistically a challenging project, WDI have succeeded in delivery of quality, budget and programme. The Cambridge City Hotel now have an offering that stands out amongst its competition

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