The management trainees recently organised numerous educational visits for the local primary school at our newest SCAPE site – The Old Court House in Kingston.
Throughout the day the team with the help of Ivor Goodsite the CCS mascot guided 82 children from St Joseph’s School around the building explaining how WDI are refurbishing the building. The tour included visiting the Courtrooms, Cells as well as explaining the importance of the Coronation Stone (The place of coronation of the seven Saxon kings during the 10th Century).
The teachers of St Joseph’s School were extremely grateful for this as the kids found it very interesting and enjoyable. It has also been a great experience for the trainees!
Under our place on the Scape Framework we have committed to a number of KPI ‘s and these are varied in type. Those dealing with community engagement can be challenging but the way the team approached the day is excellent and has shown such commitment and will enable us to meet our targets. Well done to everyone involved