We are doing everything we can to ensure we have continuity of business, while heeding the very latest Government advice. We monitor this daily and adapt our procedures and messaging immediately to any changes that are required. We would like to express our sympathies to everyone who has been affected and continues to be affected by the COVID-19 virus.

We would also like to show our support to our teams and key workers who are working tirelessly across the country.

For more about how Willmott Dixon group are responding to the everyday changes of Covid-19 please click here.
-14 Nov. 2019

Willmott Dixon Interiors In Partnership with Novus hosts Trade Workshop at HMP Humber

Willmott Dixon Interiors has been working in partnership with Novus on a prison programme designed to work with local prisons on 5 areas to improve the employability of people in prisons.

The main aim of the programme is to reduce re-offending by transforming people’s lives through developing a construction related skill set whilst raising awareness of the roles available in the industry, and improving confidence levels to make individuals employable once they are released from prison. The programme consists of:

  • A routes into construction workshop
  • A trade workshop and employability talk
  • Mock interviews & CV advice
  • A careers fair providing information about the roles in construction
  • CSCS card application

The 2 day programme which was first rolled out at HMP Humber, was run by Willmott Dixon Interiors and members of our supply chain partners who participated in 4 trade workshops to aide and work alongside the learners to advise them on industry specifics. The afternoon session focused on employability and what it is an employer will look for such as reliability, good time keeping and team working skills. Willmott Dixon Interiors advised the group on key areas of the industry and ran an employability task to identify what the participants thought an employer may look for. This training raised the aspirations, motivation and hopes amongst the learners. The level of work and their commitment was excellent!

Social Value Manager,  Mahroof Anwar, who participated in the day came away feeling truly inspired:

‘’The people attending the trade workshop have benefited greatly from professional advice from Willmott Dixon Interiors and our supply chain partners. I believe these workshops are vital to improve their skills and confidence level whilst improving their employability. Great Work!”

 Carol Richardson from Novus fedback:

“The relationship with the Willmott Dixon Interiors team is truly outstanding as they have demonstrated passion, drive, enthusiasm not only by assisting the learners but supporting Novus Foundation for Change along with the Yorkshire Prison Group.”

As well as the HMP Humber programme Willmott Dixon Interiors are looking forward to rolling out the programme for three more of the Northern prisons: HMP Leeds, HMP Lindholme and HMP Wealston as a continuation of our commitment.

Willmott Dixon Interiors have also paid for the current crop of trainees in HMP Humber to take the CSCS exam which allows them to be ‘site ready’ with a CSCS card once they leave prison helping them to take the next step to finding employment.

As a business we pride ourselves on our work with our site’s local communities whether this is in London or the West Midlands. For more information on our commitment to social value follow the link below:

Social Value

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