We are doing everything we can to ensure we have continuity of business, while heeding the very latest Government advice. We monitor this daily and adapt our procedures and messaging immediately to any changes that are required. We would like to express our sympathies to everyone who has been affected and continues to be affected by the COVID-19 virus.

We would also like to show our support to our teams and key workers who are working tirelessly across the country.

For more about how Willmott Dixon group are responding to the everyday changes of Covid-19 please click here.

Imperial College London - Library Phase 2

Refurbishment of the Imperial College of London’s Library at the Kensington campus

Project Stats

18 weeks
10,334 sq ft

Project Story

We proudly completed the second phase of the library refurbishments which included the ventilation system on floors 2 to 5, along with associated remedial repairs.

The works included the strip out of the existing services and finishes and the replacement of the transformer, including the extension of the existing enclosure and formation of the new light well and vent area with full steelwork that could be able to support the roof area.

We also built a new plant room, to be positioned at roof level, to include a chiller, air handling units and pumps with associated pipework and cabling. Finally, we worked on the formation of an acoustic roof plant enclosure to provide soundproofing.
Project Outcomes
  • Soundproofing to all floors to enable students to study
  • Competed project on a live site with limited noisy hours
  • Accommodated project works around exam period

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