We are doing everything we can to ensure we have continuity of business, while heeding the very latest Government advice. We monitor this daily and adapt our procedures and messaging immediately to any changes that are required. We would like to express our sympathies to everyone who has been affected and continues to be affected by the COVID-19 virus.

We would also like to show our support to our teams and key workers who are working tirelessly across the country.

For more about how Willmott Dixon group are responding to the everyday changes of Covid-19 please click here.
-09 Jul. 2015

Willmott Dixon Interiors committed to enhancing lives of young people

Willmott Dixon Interiors funded a three day residential training course on employability skills for 17 young people, aged 18-25 who are currently out of work, as part of Willmott Dixon’s commitment to ‘enhance the lives’ of 3000 young people by the end of this year.

Four of our management trainees worked alongside specialist youth trainers to deliver workshops on interview skills, confidence building skills and team working skills, through a range of indoor and outdoor activities and challenges.

The course was a big success and the young people from across the UK went away from the course buzzing and inspired to take their next steps towards entering the world of work.

Over the next three months, our management trainees will be buddying young people to assist them in their journey towards gaining further training or employment.

Work Experience

Willmott Dixon Interiors are also opening doors to anyone aged between 18 – 25, who is interested in experiencing a career in construction, through a work experience programme.

Through this programme, young people will be given a chance to experience life in a construction business, developing skills and gaining confidence whilst adding value to our organisation. For information on how to apply click here

Willmott Dixon Interiors is part of one of the UK’s largest privately owned construction companies. The company is committed to inspiring young people and supporting the communities where it works.

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